Dedicated, high-quality instruction. It is recommended for those new to training or those who simply want the higher level of motivation and encouragement one-on-one training provides.


Goal Planning Calculator
This calculator will estimate your daily calorie requirements for losing and maintaining your weight.
Note: To get the most accurate TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) results from this calculator, get your body composition tested by an Encore personal trainer and enter your body fat percentage in the optional "Body fat percentage" field.
Your age:
Your height: ft. in.
Your weight: lbs.
Your body fat percentage (optional): %
Your daily activity level:
Number of pounds you wish to : lbs.
Number of to achieve goal:
Daily calories required to maintain current weight:
Daily calories required meet desired goal:

Encore Personal Training & Boot Camps -Rock Your Body- (702) 845.4100 - Personal Trainer serving Las Vegas & Henderson, NV
© 1995-2008 Encore Personal Training, LLC - All rights reserved.